CTLGFVER &$VER: cddatei.catalog 2.06 (09.06.96) english &Program to manage a collection of CDs. Really quit program ? Data are not saved ! 5Really load data ? Data in memory would be deleted ! Save data as "%s" ? Delete data from memory ? Really delete this CD ? Really delete selected CDs ? <<< performer unnamed >>> <<< title unnamed >>> <<< comment unnamed >>> <<< category unnamed >>> <<< picture unnamed >>> Time (hh:mm:ss) Titles Performers What do you want export ? Export list of CDs ? Export list of the performers ? Export list of the titles ? -Export list of the titles of one performer ? %Export list of the titles at one CD ? bPerformer - Name of CD bPerformer bTitle bPicture bmm:ss bhh:mm:ss bTitles bYear bComment bCategory This program is freeware and it uses MUI - MagicUserInterface 1992-96 Stefan Stuntz. Send suggestions, criticism and bugs to D.Slawisch@BBrandes.berlinet.de 'Please close the file requester first ! Error opening file ! Error loading data ! Error saving data ! Out of memory ! Canceled ! No data loaded. Not my file ! %Forbidden value for the name of CD ! *Forbidden value for the number of tracks ! !Forbidden value for the seconds ! Found nothing. Canceled ! No data exported. !Error ! Version of file too new. To many files selected ! Can't open prefs file ! Error loading prefs file ! Error saving prefs file ! DOS-Error Exporting data Please select file... Please select drawer... Preferences Performers Titles Titles of one performer Titles at one CD Pictures Input data of the CD Input data of the title Titleinfo _Yes|_No _Continue _Load _Save C_ancel _Default _New CD _Edit CD Title_info _Delete CD _Search _Continue search Show _picture Show _pictures _Performers _Titles P_ictures P_refs D_elete _Quit S_elect _Deselect _All|_Selected|_Cancel #Only _Name of CD|+_Additional infos =Only _title|+_Performer|+Performer _& Name of CD|+_Name of CD Only _title|+_Name of CD Only _title|+_Performer Performer + Name of CD Performer + Year Number of tracks Number of titles Number of CDs Number Comment Category bSelected: bTime (hh:mm:ss): bTime (mm:ss): bPicture: bPerformer: bTitle: bName of CD: bYear: bCDs: bPerformers: bTitles: bPictures: bTotal time (hh:mm:ss): bMinutes per title: bTitles per CD: bMinutes per CD: bLenght of the names of CDs: bCDs: bPerformers: bTitles: bTitles of one perf.: bDefault tool: bGuide file: bPath for data: bPath for export: bPath for pictures: bViewer for pictures: bIgnore capitalization bTake over performer bComment: bCategory: bNumber of CD: Statistics Arrange Search for Title Performer Lists EStarts searching at position of cursor and jumps to next found entry. Selects all found entries. Deselects all found entries. -Closes window without starting the searching. ]The capitalization will be ignored at searching and selecting if the checkmark is activated. 1You have to put in the string for searching here. CThe string behind will be ignored if the checkmark isn't activated. 1You have to put in the performer of the CD here. +You have to put in the name of the CD here. 9You have to put in the year of publishing of the CD here. 7You have to put in the number of tracks on the CD here. 'You can put in a number of the CD here. .You can put in the music style of the CD here. *You can put in any comment to the CD here. You can put in the file name of cover of the CD as a picture here. The picture has to be placed in the drawer which is defined in preferences. -Closes the window and uses data from input. 1Cancels the input without using data from input. !Shows the name of the current CD. &Shows the number of the current title. 3You have to put in the performer of the title here. .You have to put in the name of the title here. 1You have to put in the minutes of the title here. 1You have to put in the seconds of the title here. =Opens a window to show informations about the current title. &Opens a window to edit the current CD. "Opens a window to put in a new CD. #Deletes the current CD from memory. ;Opens a window for searching or (de-)selecting at the list. Continues the searching. +Shows a picture of current CD if available. Shows all selected pictures. Arranges the list. GExports the complete contents of the list or only the selected entries. )Shows the number of the selected entries. 'Shows the time of the selected entries. Shows the selected CD. Shows the selected performer. ATake over the performer of the CD if the title have no performer. 1Shows the progress at loading and saving of data. Quits the program. CShows information about the version of this program and the author. #Opens a window for the preferences. Deletes all data in memory. #Opens a window for the list of CDs. *Opens a window for the list of performers. &Opens a window for the list of titles. 1Opens a window for the list of all used pictures. 7Loads the file selected at the string gadget to memory. CSaves the data from memory to a file selected in the string gadget. VOpens a file requester for selecting a file which is used for loading and saving data. >Shows how many entries are in memory and different statistics. 5Default tool which is saved at the icon of the file. "Drawer and name of the guide file. =Drawer which is proposed at main menu for loading and saving. -Drawer which is proposed for exporting data. EAt this drawer have to be placed all pictures for the cover of CDs. +Program which is used for showing pictures. IYou can set the kind of arrangement for different windows of lists here. 9The preferences would be loaded from "S:CD-Datei.prefs". &The values will be reseted to default. jThe values showed at the window would be saved in "S:CD-Datei.prefs" and used. The window would be closed. .Closes the window. Ignores the showed values. =Uses the showed values without saving. and closes the window. The name of CD consists of the performer of the CD and the name of the CD. You set the number of characters here which is used in the list of CDs.